Friendlieness Returned

A little message by the mail.
Went away out to the unknown West.
It truly found good ground to grow.
For the return received was the Best.

"Mr G. S. Grimmer sent some of his verse writings to a school teacher in Winnipeg. Included in them were copies of his national song, "Canada". A prompt, friendly reply was received from the teacher and 26 of her pupils personally wrote that the song "Canada" was much appreciated and sung every day in their school. They also expressed thanks for other writings sent in.

"The little seed that was planted.
Took root, and bloomed the next day,
With twenty-seven brilliant blooms
All in grand array."


Canada's a nation, young and strong and free,
And the Boundaries of her land
Extend from sea to sea.
In cities and on prairies, regardless of the clan,
Stand together firmly, in our Canadian land.
United may we gather, in a friendly brighter day,
Live life as God intended,
And He will bless this strand.
Look all to Him for guidance
In our Canadian Land.

G. Stuart Grimmer.