Letters to the WebWeaver!

Please let us know how you feel about our site or any subject that pertains to the Restigouche. Give us your comments, suggestions, ideas on what could be added to the site.

Please sign your name and where you are from, but if you do not want your name shown, let me know and I will not included it on-line but you must send it to me in the letter.

From the Council & Residents of Point La Nim
Dear Editor,

We, the Council of The Local Service District of Point La Nim would like to publicly congratulate Beezie Sullivan on her receiving The Caring Award for Volunteerism. Ms. Sullivan is well known in this area as a tireless volunteer worker, and is fully deserving of such an honor. As she has been a long time resident of Point La Nim, the community would like to acknowledge how much her great efforts on behalf of the needy are appreciated. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors Beezie!

From the Council & Residents of Point La Nim


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