1908 class of Miss Muriel Gammon at Miscou Island, Harbour School
(1) Charlie Bizzeau (2)Albert Bizzeau (3) Dean Marks (4) Harry Brown (5) Joe Bizzeau (6) Hiram Marks (7) Lou Ward (8) Weldon Blakley (9) Ella Ward (10) Joe Bondin (11) Reggie Marks (12) Elmer Conroy (13) Josephine Burbridge (14) Ethel Ward (15) May Blakley (16) Norman Brown (17) Tina Brune (18) Winifred Wilson (19) Bertie Marks (20) Gertie Blakley (21) Grace Blakley (22) Norman Ward (23) Anastasia Wilson (24) Bertha Brown (25) Lena Brown (26) Ruby Winsor (27) Etta Wilson (28) Lena Ward (29) Robert Wilson (30) Byron Windsor (31) Earl Ward Thanks to Mr H.A. McEachern of Hudson OH, for identifying these children and to Suzanne Blaquiere of the Society Genealogique of Dalhousie for sharing the picture